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Award day #3

Bridget from Mama Belly Blog decided that I was an "Uber-Amazing Blog"! If you haven't checked her out, be sure to stop by...she takes some amazing photos of her adorable little guy!


I'm so amazing, I had a fly buzz by my face just now and I swatted it. Meaning, I smacked myself in the forehead. Der. (I'm having a lot of "der" moments this week, aren't I?)

No funky requirements here, just giving props to a handful of the awesome blogs I read all the time!

Go Graham Go!

Adventures in Jujuboo

The Homesteading Housewife

The Un-Mom

The Junk Drawer

"Cents"able Momma

April's Little Family

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Corrie at "Cents"able Momma said...

Thanks, Suzie! Wow...you've been winning a lot of awards lately :-).

Kathy said...

Ah, thanks! I've never been "uber" anything before!

Lisa said...

Thanks for thinking of me. I read your blog a lot too, but I almost never comment. Im a lurker like that. LOL. Thanks for this award it is awesome. Or...Uber Amazing :)

Felicia said...

Awww.... thank you! You are so sweet! Congrats on your award!

Delighted Mom said...

Goodness! Way to go on all the awards! :)

Erin Tales said...

:woot: Yah for awards! You do rock!

Keely said...

Oooh, thanks! And look! I'm so amazing I managed to be on your widget at the same time! :D

April said...

oh, thank you!!!